Ableton Live Lite 6 Enhanced Edition Serial Number

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I have been using M-Audio enhanced Live Lite 6 and just paid my 299 dollars to upgrade to the full version. I installed it, open up Live, and Live Lite 6 still opens instead. I uninstalled Live Lite 6 and re-installed the new full version, open up Live, and LIVE LITE 6 still opened up! My new version shows it's registered on Ableton's site. Ableton Live Lite 6 M Audio Enhanced Edition Serial Number D Serial Numbers. Convert Ableton Live Lite 6 M Audio Enhanced Edition Serial Number D trail version to full software.
Free Live Lite 6 Line 6 Edition Upgrade Ableton and Line 6 are pleased to announce that owners of any previous version of Live Lite Line 6 Edition are eligible for a free upgrade to Live Lite 6 Line 6 Edition. To get your free upgrade, please visit: Live Lite 6 offers many of the new features found in Live 6, including Multicore/Multiprocessor Support, QuickTime Video Support, Instrument and Effect Racks presets, Macro Controls, Project Management tools and a variety of new devices including EQ Eight, MIDI Note Length, Dynamic Tube and an improved Saturator device. For more information on Live 6,. Special Live 6 Full Version Upgrade Offer Additionally, owners of Live Lite Line 6 Edition are eligible to upgrade to the full version of Live 6 at a special upgrade price. The full version of Ableton Live 6 gives you: -- Unlimited number of audio and MIDI tracks -- Unlimited instances of VST and AU effects and instruments -- As many ins and outs as your audio interface can handle -- Unlimited Clip Envelopes -- Unlimited Send/Return tracks -- and much more To take advantage of this special offer, please visit LOST YOUR LIVE LITE SERIAL NUMBER? If Live is installed and unlocked on your computer, you can find your serial number in the program menu under Live/About (Mac) or Help/About (PC). We can easily find your serial number in our database if you registered your copy of Live with Ableton.
Just send your request via e-mail to, and we'll send your serial number to you. Please send us all e-mail addresses that you might have used for registering. If you have not yet registered your copy of Live, please send an e-mail to with: -- Subject: 'Lost my Live Lite serial' -- Body: the name of the hardware product that included your Live Lite -- Attachment: Proof of purchase of the hardware product that included your Live Lite.