Dell Windows Server 2012 Foundation Rok Download

Note: Starting with Windows Server 2012, the evaluation version must be converted to a full retail version. For other Windows installation media, visit the Microsoft Evaluation Center or the download section of Deadpool keygen download crack.
Document ID: 29 Convert Windows Server 2012 Evaluation to OEM or RetailIf you have installed the Windows Server Trial Edition and now need to enter a Product Key and activate your product, you must convert your installation to an OEM or Retail license. You can do this without reinstalling Windows by following the instructions below. Open an Administrator command prompt and type the following. DISM /online /Set-Edition: /ProductKey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /AcceptEula where edition ID is the version of Windows Server (ServerStandard, ServerDatacenter) Example: DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard /ProductKey:12345-ABCDEF-1A2B3-C4D5E-6F7G8 /AcceptEula This will remove the Evaluation package and activate Windows with the New product Key. It will prompt you to reboot. Notes: You can convert a Standard Edition install to Data Center using this method.

The only requirement is purchasing the correct License and inserting the Product Key supplied by the License. You cannot, however, downgrade a Data Center install to Standard with this method. An unsupported method is provided at the following If you have configured Windows to be a Domain controller, this method is not supported and may give you an error. Trying it will not harm anything. There is another method Date Published: 2015-08-27.