Driver License Barcode Generator

Free PDF417 Barcode Image Creator. This Barcode Creator uses the free version of the Dynamic Barcode Generator Subscription to easily produce downloadable barcode images. The free version of this product includes a watermark under the barcode. Our library just scans the barcode and returns its contents. The user of the library is responsible to interpret/decode the barcode data as they wish. Please note that we are currently preparing a parser for US driver's license PDF417 format and it should be available for purchase in the following months.
What exactly is a barcode? Simply put, a barcode is data (text, numbers, and information) in a machine-readable format. While a barcode to us may look like black and white stripes, each series of black and white stripes represents a letter (for the most part).
That’s why some barcodes are larger than others. A barcode that reads “L-TRON” would be shorter than “ BARCODE GENERATOR”. What would I use a barcode for?
Any tracking application – inventory management, tracking products on shelves in a store, collecting information (like on the back of your driver’s license), etc. What kind of barcode do I need? That depends on what you plan to use the barcode for.
Using a cool little program I dug up on the web, and a scanner I was able to decode the barcodes on the back of my NY drivers license, and find out what information people get when they scan it. I'm pretty sure that just decoding the barcode is not illegal, but some of the other things I describe probably are, so let those be just proof of concept. All the times my license (well technically my permit, but its all the same) appears, I mess up the barcodes a bit so (hopefully) no one can get my information.
Personally I don't care, but theres probably some good reasons why I should not let it out so I'm just being safe. All of this is fairly straight forward. Scan the back of your license / permit using a medium - high resolution.
Onone perfect resize 75 crack keymaker x force. The resolution should be set so that the 2d barcode is about 2000 pixels long. Open up the image in Photoshop and cut out the 2d barcode.
The 2d barcode is the one on the bottom in the picture. Most states use the PDF-417 (Portable Data File, with 17 modules each containing 4 bars and spaces, thus 417). Edit the barcode so that it is exactly 2000 or less pixels long because that is the maximum the program will allow, and save it. Open swipe toolkit pdf417 barcode reader, available to download in the last step, and load your barcode into it.
Click decode image, and a window with all your information should pop up. The picture shows the window that I got ( I removed thinks I should probably care about). As you can see, you can view the information processed, in raw bytes, or in hex. An interesting thing to note is if your card contains your social security number, some states put it on and some states don't.
Cyansoft makes a pdf 417 barcode encoder, which you can use to modify the barcode. If you select raw bytes(you can also select hex if you want to use a hex editor to edit the information) on how the decoded information is shown in the pdf 417 reader, examine it and you should be able to pick out your information such as d.o.b, name, license number, etc. You can edit that information, copy the selection into cyansoft's barcode encoder, and tweak it to look like the original barcode.
Some of the settings you may need to change are the Error correction level, the number of columns and rows, and the bar width. The overall purpose of tweaking the barcode is to get it to look and read the same before, just with the modified data. To test out the modded barcode, export it as an image and run it through the decoder again, if it works great, if not just keep tweaking the settings in the encoder until it looks exactly like the original. You now have your modded barcode, but what should you do with it? Ive never tried these, so don't blame me if you screw up and ruin your license. If you want to use the fake barcode you just make on your license, there are many possible ways to transfer it. The easiest is probably to erase the old barcode with some acetone and paper towels, and when your sure its completely erased, carefully print directly onto the license.
The only problem with this method is that you would need a high density printer (thermal transfer or laser), and would have to be extremely careful that it printed in the right spot nice and cleanly. Another method could be to clean off the old barcode with acetone, and then print out the new one on a transparency and affix it to your license. The problem with this method are that it would be easy to tell its fake, unless done really carefully. Remember if you are changing a piece of information that is on the front you have to change it on the license too. It doesn't matter if the id scans 21, if it says 18 on the front they are not going to accept it. (Note: Most licenses also have a 1d barcode on the back too.