Intellistim Be 28e Manual

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FDA Product Details The Medical Device Network Company Name Address City, State / Province, ZIP / Postal Code, Country FDA Owner/Operator Phone FDA Medical Specialty Code - FDA Product Code FDA Classification Name FDA Device Classification Code NULL FDA Regulation Number NULL FDA Common Generic Name FDA Proprietary Device Name FDA Owner / Operator Number 0 FDA Owner / Operator Name FDA Establishment Registration Number FDA Registered Establishment Name FDA Operation Code(s) [ ] [ ] [ ] © 2019 - All Rights Reserved.

Posted at May 24, 2012 By: Categories: Comment: Comments Off The IntelliSTIM BE-28E is a top of the range of EMS machines. This state of the art machine has been specially developed to give optimum treatment. While this unit is unrivalled in the many features offered it remains easy to operate and is ideal for both personal and professional use. Product Details: Top of the range high specification professional EMS unit with unique IntelliSTIM interactive programming function.