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Similar words: (1.00) (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) gi 1> (_sokr. Ot government issue) _am. Soldat, osob. Vtoroi mirovoi voiny, 'dzhi-ai' (tzh. Gi Joe) _Ex: gi morale moral'nyi duh soldat _Ex: gi bride _razg.
Nevesta ili zhena amerikanskogo soldata, nahodyashegosya s armiei v ee strane 2> kazennyi; kazennogo voennogo obrazca 3> armeiskii _Ex: gi haircut armeiskaya strizhka 4> proizvodit' uborku (osob. V kazarmah) gi Bill of Rights 1> zakon o l'gotah demobilizovannym gi Jane 1> _am. Zhenshina-soldat gi Joe 1> (_sokr. Ot government issue) _am. Soldat, osob. Vtoroi mirovoi voiny, 'dzhi-ai' (tzh. Gi Joe) _Ex: gi Joe morale moral'nyi duh soldat _Ex: gi Joe bride _razg.
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Nevesta ili zhena amerikanskogo soldata, nahodyashegosya s armiei v ee strane giF Graphic Interchange Format (file name extension) giGO 1> (Garbage In, Garbage Out) 'kakov zapros, takov otvet'. Termin, otnosyashiisya k programmam, ne proveryayushim pravil'nost' vhodnyh dannyh i vydayushih bessmyslennye rezul'taty pri bessmyslennyh dannyh. GiJ noun- abbr.
Of government issue Jane amer. Zhenshina-soldat [sr.
Gi ] giS Geographical Information System, geograficheskaya informacionnaya sistema, GIS gibraltar noun Gibraltar gibson girl 1> ideal'naya moloden'kaya amerikanka konca XIX veka (nazvannaya tak po kartinam hudozhnika Charl'za D. Gibsona) 2> _voen. Ruchnoi radioperedatchik gideon noun Gideon gil noun- dim. Of gilbert Gil gila monster 1> _zool. Yasherica-yadozub (Heloderma suspectum) gilded Chamber 1> palata lordov gill 1> (umen'sh.
ACOUSTIC SOLUTIONS CDAB-1 Instruction Manual. On purchasing the Acoustic Solutions CDAB-1 DAB/FM Tuner We trust that this product will give you hours of listening. Factory resetting an Acoustic Solutions pd2 DAB radio. But not in the manual. The radio was bought from Woolworths (shows how old it is) for about £30, and it. Dab digital radio malta. Acoustic Solutions PD2 [scrapped] Acoustic Solutions PD2 This is a digital FM/DAB mains operated, table top, portable radio housed in a wooden case. It has an LCD display and a set of pushbuttons on the front panel.
Ot gillian) Dzhil 2> devushka; vozlyublennaya, lyubimaya giottesque 1> stil' Dzhotto 2> hudozhnik shkoly Dzhotto; podrazhatel' Dzhotto 3> v stile Dzhotto gippo 1> _razg. Egiptyanin 2> cygan gipsy 1> cygan; cyganka _Ex: she looks like a gipsy ona pohozha na cyganku 2> cyganskii yazyk 3> cyganskii 4> vesti brodyasii obraz zhizni 5> vyezzhat' na piknik gipsy-bonnet 1> shirokopolaya shlyapa, podvyazyvaemaya pod podborodkom gipsy-caravan, gipsy-cart 1> kibitka gipsy-flower 1> _bot. Skabioza (Scabiosa gen.) gipsy-hat 1> shirokopolaya shlyapa gipsy-moth 1> _ent. Neparnyi shelkopryad, neparnik (Ocneria dispar) gipsy-rose 1> _bot. Skabioza (Scabiosa gen.) gipsy-table 1> kruglyi stolik na treh nozhkah gipsy-wort 1> _bot. Zyuznik evropeiskii (Lycopus europaeus) gipsydom 1> _sobir. Cygane 2> _redk.
Cyganskii obraz zhizni gipsyish 1> pohozhii na cygan girl Guide 1> devochka-skaut girl Scout 1> devochka-skaut gironde 1> _fr. Zhironda girondist 1> _fr. Zhirondist girtonian 1> (byvshaya) studentka zhenskogo kolledzha Gerton (v Kembridzhe) gi- gi, gi gi 1> _am. Soska-pustyshka 2> lyubimaya igrushka, osob. Kotoruyu rebenok beret v krovatku 3> predmet, kotoryi nervnyi chelovek vertit v rukah (nosovoi platok, karandash i t.
P.) giant 1> velikan, gigant 2> ispolin, titan _Ex: mental giant gigant mysli _Ex: giant of the faith stolp very _Ex: a giant among poets titan sredi drugih poetov 3> _teh. Monitor 4> _astr. Zvezda-gigant 5> gromadnyi, gigantskii, ispolinskii, kolossal'nyi _Ex: a man of giant strength chelovek ogromnoi sily _Ex: he had a giant helping emu dali ogromnuyu porciyu (pishi) _Ex: giant planets bol'shie planety (Yupiter, Saturn, Uran i Neptun) giant monopolies 1> gigantskie monopolii giant('s)-stride noun gigantskie shagi (attrakcion) giant-circle 1> _sport. Bol'shoi oborot (na perekladine) giant-downhill 1> _sport. Skorostnoi spusk 'gigant' giant-killer noun komanda ili sportsmen, neozhidanno razgromivshie bolee sil'nogo sopernika giant-slalom 1> _sport. Slalom 'gigant' _Ex: giant-slalom course trassa slaloma 'giganta' giant-stride 1> _sport.
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