Meharban Singh Pediatrics Drug Dosage Pdf File

Results 1 - 30 of 87 - Pediatrics by Meharban Singh and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles. Drug Dosages in Children: Deorari Ashok K.
This is an updated and expanded edition of the popular pocketbook aimed to serve the needs of medical students, resident doctors, general practioners, and consultant pediatricians. Several newer formulations including antiretroviral agents, antimalarias, and antibiatics have been Included. The standard or usual adult doses of most of the drugs are also provided.
The book also serve as a ready-reckoner of drug dosages to young residents and practising pediatricians, and will intial confidence In their prescriptions and reduce the Incidence of avoidable side effects of drugs. It provides brief Information on the pharmacokinetics of drugs with emphasis on advantages and disadvantages of various routes of administration, drug absorption, distribution, bioavailabillty, tissue binding, half-life and metabolism and excretion. The drugs have been listed alphabetically dally dosages per unit body weight, frequency and route of administration. Algebra 9 klass shinibekov 2013.

Important cautions, contraindications and adverse effects of selected drugs have been provided. Trade names of formulations from standard pharmaceutical companies along with their products and strengths are also given. Meharban Singh is the former Professor and Head, Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
He is one of the most eminent Pediatricians and Neonatologists of India. He is an outstanding writer and a medical teacher par excellence.
He has served as a WHO Consultant and MCH Advisor to several countries and Director, Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Kabul, Afghanistan. He has been conducting regular teaching sessions for students of general nursing and midwifery, graduate and postgraduate nursing students and provided in-service training to qualified nurses for over three decades.
He has authored ten textbooks of pediatrics and its subspecialties, which are eminently readable and extremely popular in India and South-East Asia Region. He has been conferred the Fellowships of a large number of Academic Bodies and has delivered over 35 prestigious Endowment Lectures and Orations. He is the past Secretary and President of National Neonatology Forum of India and former President of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
Author by: Iftekhar Mahmood Languange: en Publisher by: Springer Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 37 Total Download: 390 File Size: 46,7 Mb Description: Focused on pediatric physiology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, this book illustrates the differences between the pediatric population and adults; knowledge of extreme importance not only during pediatric drug development but also in the clinical practice. Physicians, nurses, clinical pharmacologists, researchers and healthcare professionals will find this an invaluable resource.
With the advent of pediatric exclusivity, and requirements to conduct clinical studies in children, an emphasis has been placed on finding a safe and efficacious dose of a drug in children. Children are not ‘small adults’, and drug dosing in this population requires special consideration. There are subtle physiological and biochemical differences among neonates, infants, children, adolescents and adults and dosing in pediatrics requires proper understanding of these factors.