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A new release from 01micko, slacko_700 is built from Slackware-14.2 using woof-ce_rationalise It features latest experimental woof with improvements to the init script from gyro as well as significant contributions to sfs_load plus many more 'under the hood' enhancements New initrd statically compiled programs from jlist (aka wdlkmpx). These can actually be reproduced as part of the woof process. Numerous library and application upgrades from upstream including Firefox 45 ESR, CUPS-2.1.5. Topics: Puppy_Linux, Slacko, 700, Slackware, 14.2, 01micko, norgo. A collection of Puppy LInux builds by 01micko based on Slackware This is my 'go-to' favourite build and found that slacko-5.3.3 worked on every machine I tried it on. I run 5.7 now Highly recommended!
Descargar WINDOWS 8.1 LITE 1 LINK. 8.1 TEU todo en uno Lite Mega Descargar Windows 8.1 Pro Update 1 de 32 & 64 Bits Descarga Windows 8.1 update 1 100%. Windows 8.1 full version 64 bit free download - ATI Catalyst Software Suite (Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 64-bit / Windows 8.1 64-bit), Protector Plus Internet. Bueno chicos aqui les traigo la version de Windows 8.1 Pro Lite de 32 y 64 Bits V1 Editados por mi, Ya que los Usuarios Deseen y busquen un Windows Liviano y Veloz, aqui les traigo esta version.
**edit - non english variants added including, Russian, Hungarian and Japanese, also added are LXDE and Gnome desktop environment options ** ***edit slacko is the community woof edition and is a testing build *** ** Remastered -> Slacko-5.7-Office-NON-PAE md5sum. Topics: Puppy Linux, Slacko, Slackware, pagestep007, wiak, darry1966, norgo, eee, eeepc, peebee, csipesz.
Remaster of 01micko's puppy slacko-5.7-non-pae. This version has bash update 4.3.30, openssl 1.0.1j, firefox 27.0.1(configured with privacy add-ons). Due to increased concerns about POODLE, all these updates are necessary. Family tree maker 2014. This distro is intended to replace slack57-e3. A reminder that only intel i915/965 drivers are loaded intended for ASUS eeepc users. An update to the original slack57-ff23 version iis shortly forthcoming with all video drivers intact and these updates available. Topics: Puppy Linux, 01micko, ThoriumBlvd, 8Geee, slackware 14.0, s57-ff27e.
Dive into a living world where you can create, learn, and play with all your favorite characters from The Little Mermaid. Build writing skills as you create your own printable storybooks, design virtual aquariums, learn fun fish facts, conduct an undersea orchestra, sing along with your favorite songs from the movie, and discover lots of surprises. It's an ocean of fun and learning from Disney Interactive. Topics: Ariel's Story Studio, The Little Mermaid Story Studio, Disney's Animated Storybook: The Little. React-slider-kit is going to be a comprehensive solution to slider feature in react. React-slider-kit react-slider-kit is going to be a comprehensive solution to slider feature in react. This component was originally inspired by dribble concept design The Range Slider Component.
This slider components is going to include: 1D and 2D sliders Single and range sliders ( in progress ) Horizontal and vertical sliders Demo The working demo of this component can be find at. Topics: GitHub, code, software, git. Download the bundle m1ghtym0-browser-pwn_-_2019-01-20_02-26-41.bundle and run: git clone m1ghtym0-browser-pwn_-_2019-01-20_02-26-41.bundle -b master An updated collection of resources targeting browser-exploitation. Browser-Pwn The world of Browsers is dominated by 4 major players:* Chromium/Chrome (Blink-Engine)* Firefox (Gecko-Engine)* Safari (WebKit-Engine)* Edge (Blink-Engine (former EdgeHTML-Engine) The following is split into two parts:- Information that helps to understand their. Topics: GitHub, code, software, git. Download the bundle m3sv-Flutter-for-Android-developers_-_2018-12-29_14-00-43.bundle and run: git clone m3sv-Flutter-for-Android-developers_-_2018-12-29_14-00-43.bundle -b master Compilation of Flutter materials for Android developers Flutter for Android developers The tutorial assumes that you are at least familiar with Android development and know what scary words like View, ViewGroup, Java, Kotlin mean. Table of contents Overview of Flutter Installing Flutter Working with an editor.