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WATCH A BETTER QUALITY VIDEO OF THIS HERE: We held a nude in and a body freedom parade as our annual event and also as a protest against the nudity ban that can send you to jail for a year just for taking your clothes off. This parade was very special. We actually got a permit for it after having dozens of permits denied.

This one was denied by the SFPD also. Our lawyers Gill Sperlein and Larry Walters had to go to court to fight for this permit.
The Judge granted us a TRO (temporary restraining order) against the SFPD and ordered them to issue us a permit. Instead of assaulting, citing and jailing us (their usual behavior) the SFPD actually had to escort us and block traffic for us. The same cop who beat up Gameli Anumu 2 years ago was there and this time he had to 'serve and protect' our naked parade. It felt great!!! Please add your name to our list at to get updates about the San Francisco body freedom movement and to help us raise money for our legal fund.