Software Untuk Membuka File Pdf Yang Terkunci

Visio Professional 2019 Visio Standard 2019 Visio Professional 2016 Visio Standard 2016 Visio Online Plan 2 After you import an AutoCAD drawing and accept the default settings, the AutoCAD file will be locked on the page. This is to protect it from being moved, resized, and deleted.
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If you need to select or move the file, you can unlock it. • Click an empty space on the diagram to deselect anything that may already be selected.
• Rest your cursor on the outside edge of the AutoCAD drawing until your cursor changes to this icon: • Right-click, and then click CAD Drawing Object > Properties. • Click to deselect the Lock size and position and Lock against deletion checkboxes.
1 Driver Installation for Windows XP Home Edition and Windows XP Professional Note: This guide is intended as an installation guide for all of Adaptec's USB 2.0 Drivers. The snapshots and text may refer to. Windows XP Professional SP3 Infinity Edition (RUS) Windows 8.1 Professional x64 v.01.08 by EmiN (RUS/2014) Windows 10 Pro x64 10586 v.2 January 2016 by Generation2 MULTI-6/RUS.